Allow the Struggle

Allow the Struggle

Dear Fellow Parents,   I just wanted to write to let you know that it’s completely normal to feel guilty and uncomfortable, when your children are crying. It’s the hardest thing on earth to see your children upset and it can be really stressful for you, too. I...

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How to Deal with Toddler Bedtime Battles

How to Deal with Toddler Bedtime Battles

Help, my toddler fights bedtime! Many parents struggle when it comes to their child's bedtime. Lots of parents dread this time of day or they feel anxiety leading up to bedtime. One of the most common reasons your child will fight bedtime is that your child is...

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7 helpful tips for your almost six week old baby

7 helpful tips for your almost six week old baby

Newborns four to six weeks old are starting to show some patterns of regularity.   Sleep In the first couple of weeks of life, your baby seemed to be asleep all the time. You could actually get a nap in yourself. Between the ages of four to six weeks, it’s normal...

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Sleep is a Choice

Sleep is a Choice

Sleep should be a priority. We need to do what we can to get better sleep for our children and ourselves. We need to smarten up and understand the damage that chronic sleep issues can have on our families. It's a no brainer.   Myth: sleep training harmful. There...

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Fixing Early Morning Wake Ups

Fixing Early Morning Wake Ups

Waking early can quickly become habitual Aim to avoid the trap. Once an early morning waking habit has formed, it will usually only change if parents make a conscious effort to resolve the issue. This might mean making adjustments to the sleep environment or nap...

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Cot to Big Bed, No Fuss

Cot to Big Bed, No Fuss

Cot to Bed Transition It’s exciting and rewarding when your child reaches any kind of milestone, whether it’s a physical milestone like learning to walk, or a speech language milestone like baby’s first word. Another important milestone is a little less understood but...

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7 Baby Sleep Secrets You Won’t Find on Google

7 Baby Sleep Secrets You Won’t Find on Google

Most parents dream of a full night’s sleep, even before their baby is born. Expectant parents are warned by well meaning others to expect sleep to be non-existent and sleep deprivation to be the norm. They are given a wealth of information and support about birth,...

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Six Top Tips to Banish Bedtime Battles

Six Top Tips to Banish Bedtime Battles

"Help! My child fights bedtime."   One of the most common reasons a child will fight bedtime is that the child is overtired.   This often coincides with a nap transition, when your child is ready to drop a nap. Their body simply needs some time to adjust to...

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Catnapping Solutions

Catnapping Solutions

If your baby is catnapping they are most likely having consistently short naps, usually between about thirty and forty five minutes long. This is developmentally normal and becomes apparent for babies some time between eight weeks and six months of age. It happens as...

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Tori is an internationally recognised and certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant based in Toowoomba, QLD. She is also a registered teacher with a Masters degree in Education, a Happiest Baby on The Block Educator and a mother of three.