When to Teach Self-Settling

When to Teach Self-Settling

What is self-settling? Let’s start with what it actually means to self-settle. If your child can self-settle, it means they can go through the process of being awake to fast asleep on their own with no assistance from you. Resettling means that when a child wakes...
Crying, Stress and Sleep

Crying, Stress and Sleep

The Truth about Crying It is difficult for anyone to ignore crying, especially as a mother, as this goes against our basic human instinct Crying is a baby’s way of communicating but not all crying is from distress or pain (Dr Marc Weissbluth) Ignoring a child’s cry...
Independent Sleep

Independent Sleep

The diagram above, depicts the hierarchy of self soothing. It is a valuable tool to refer to when teaching your child to sleep independently.   What is Independent Sleep?   Not only is it every parent’s dream, but a good night’s sleep is a physiological...
Sleep 101 – What You Should Know

Sleep 101 – What You Should Know

What’s the big deal? It’s a sad fact, but ongoing sleep problems can negatively affect children’s cognitive development, mood regulation, behavior and health. Parent’s health and wellbeing can also be affected by their children’s sleep problems, as chronically sleep...
The Biology of Baby’s Sleep

The Biology of Baby’s Sleep

What you need to know: the ‘Basics’ Biological processes that are not under parental/external control are the most basic and influential determiners of how your baby sleeps, and if you can understand and work with these, you will be well on your way to...