Baby Sleep Consultant Toowoomba

Internationally certified baby & child sleep consultant & coach.

Servicing Toowoomba, Brisbane,

Australia & Worldwide.



Are you exhausted because your child is not sleeping well? As an experienced and internationally certified baby and child Sleep Consultant and Coach, Tori will equip you with the skills you need to feel confident and ‘make sleep a thing’. Simple and no fuss. Your child will be sleeping through the night in no time.


Tori’s philosophy is based on her conviction that being sleep deprived is not something parents should have to endure as part of their parenting journey. She believes all children can sleep well. When they do, the whole family enjoys better health, closer relationships and less stress.


Phone, email, text or virtual home visit, we have something that will suit your family’s needs. We help you teach your child to sleep through the night and take great naps, quickly, respectfully and with less stress.


Have a question about our services? Read through our comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions or feel free to get in touch using our contact page.

Baby and Child Sleep and Behaviour Consultant: Toowoomba, Brisbane, Australia and worldwide



You may have read all the sleep help books, listened to advice from well meaning others and still be confused as to where to start and what to do. You might be wondering what advice is the right advice for your child? Tori’s teachings are based on the latest science as well as her extensive years of experience working with infants and children. This means you can be confident that her advice will be authentic and effective.

Tori prides herself on her holistic and nurturing approach. This means that when you work with her, you will receive a personal plan centered around your parenting style and your child’s individual temperament, as well as guidance and support specific to your own family’s needs.



Expectant parent sleep education

Newborn settling techniques

Safe sleep advice

Nursery set-up



Sleeping through the night


Nutrition and sleep

Bedtime battles

Bed sharing to own sleep space

Age appropriate routines

Nap transitions

Early morning wake ups

Transition from cot to big bed

Toddler sleep expectations


Night feeding and weaning



Allow the Struggle

Allow the Struggle

Dear Fellow Parents,   I just wanted to write to let you know that it’s completely normal to feel guilty and uncomfortable, when your children are crying. It’s the hardest thing on earth to see your children upset and it can be really stressful for you, too. I...

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The Secret to Self-Settling

The Secret to Self-Settling

Has anyone ever told you that your baby is incapable of self-settling or self-soothing? This simply isn’t true. First of all, self-settling and self-soothing often get confused as one and the same but they are slightly different things. Having said that, they are...

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How to Tell  if Baby is too Cold at Night.

How to Tell if Baby is too Cold at Night.

Signs your baby might be too cold at night ... (and how to set up a cosy and safe sleep environment).   As a parent, ensuring your baby is comfortable and safe while they sleep is a top priority. One common concern for parents is whether their baby might be too...

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How to manage bedtime with calm and ease

How to manage bedtime with calm and ease

Whether you have one child or four, bedtime can be hard, that’s for sure. Everyone is usually exhausted at the end of a long day and despite best intentions, you might find yourself being snappy or feeling like you’re not in control. You don’t want to feel this way...

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How to make (hard) parenting decisions

How to make (hard) parenting decisions

Why is it so hard to make a decision? When it comes to all things parenting, parents can feel pressured one way or another from advice they get from well-meaning friends, family and especially from what they read online. In our current age of information and social...

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How to establish bedtime boundaries for toddlers.

How to establish bedtime boundaries for toddlers.

It’s important to have strong bedtime boundaries. This will help establish healthy sleep habits and ensure your toddler gets enough sleep. Here are ten practical strategies to help you establish and enforce bedtime boundaries with ease. Note: this article refers to...

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“My daughter was sleeping in my bed and feeding constantly”

I can’t thank Tori enough; my daughter was feeding frequently overnight and sleeping in my bed. I found Tori and my golly she saved my life! After only a month, my little girl now sleeps in her own bed and sleeps though the night. I have so much more time to get things done around the house, I’m getting better sleep myself and I actually feel more human. Tori was a great help as she was by my side every step of the way, guiding me and making sure I was ok. There were a few times I wanted to give up but she was always there to support me, and now a month later I still hear from her asking how everything is going.

I highly recommend her.

Melissa, mum of Saskia – 17 Months

“I was exhausted, feeding often and co sleeping, just to survive”


I highly recommend Tori to anyone wanting to improve their baby’s sleep and their overall quality of life. My nine month old duaghter was waking around six times a night, co-sleeping with me, not eating much and winging a lot. I stuck to Tori’s recommendations about sleep and food and now she’s eating well, sleeping well and we are all a lot happier. Tori is very friendly, quick to respond and has a very good knowledge of food and sleep. She genuinely cares. Thank you for our new life Tori!


Holly, mum of Coco – 9 months

"My marriage was suffering from lack of sleep"

I was losing my mind but Tori saved my life! When you have a baby that just won’t sleep, it’s naive to think it’s just your lack of sleep that becomes an issue. A non sleeping baby, and therefore a non sleeping parent, can negatively impact EVERY area of your life. So when I say Tori saved my life, her advice and instruction had way more far reaching consequences greater than just a sleeping baby. Elijah was a ‘dummy sucker’ and would only fall asleep to a rocking motion, which meant at 4 months he was waking every 45 minutes to an hour crying for his dummy and to be rocked to sleep. The constant waking up took a huge toll on my mental health and marriage and something had to give. Tori taught us how to comfortably remove the reliance on the dummy, and how to teach Elijah to self soothe and put himself back to sleep through the night. The rocking eventually became gentle pats, which now if he is unsettled, he only needs a brief touch to resettle. There is no more up and down throughout the night. Instead, our little boy sleeps right through and naps confidently throughout the day. Life is good, my mind is clear and my marriage is happy. Tori is dedicated, gracious, informative and she knows how to work on sleep training within the comfort level of the parents. Tori thinks through the needs of the child, the dependencies of the parents and the desired goal in mind for everyone and then coaches openly. I would recommend Tori to anyone struggling with the sleep challenges that come with having a little baby.


Tia, mum of Elijah – 4 Months

“ My little boy was grumpy and unsettled”

Tori’s program has made the world of difference to my little boy. Matthew was very unsettled and was only sleeping for short stretches at a time and I was exhausted. He is now getting a sleep every two hours throughout the day and he sometimes even sleeps for ninety minutes for naps. At night he is going down around 6:30pm and is only waking up once for a feed at 1am. Most of the time Matthew wakes up in the morning happy and talking and when I walk in to get him he just smiles at me. It’s great to see such a positive change to his attitude. I cannot thank Tori enough!


Emma, mum of Matthew – 3.5 Months

“Our baby was having terrible naps and waking multiple times overnight ”


Our baby girl started to wake up 3+ times at night. When I contacted Tori, I was texting her and crying as well. I was exhausted and needed help. On our first day of training, our little one already improved her lunch nap from twenty minutes to one hour. The first week she dropped her feeds to only two, second week to only one and on our last day of working together, she dropped the last feed on her own. Our baby girl responded to all the changes that Tori told me to do, so well, and she is now sleeping twelve hours straight! Tori helped me to teach my baby to connect her sleep cycles and now her naps are amazing and night-time sleep is a dream come true. Besides all of that, Tori is so sweet and was always there to answer my questions. My husband and I are beyond happy with how quickly Tori could help our little girl. I am kind of sad I don’t get to talk to her anymore. We will treasure you forever, Tori. Thank you! Thank you!

Ludmylla & Dane, parents of Elena – 6 months

“Tori worked her baby magic AGAIN”


I first contacted Tori when I was at breaking point. Our five month old son, myself and my husband were not getting any quality sleep and it was impacting all of us greatly. I was very wary about sleep training as I can’t stand to hear my son cry. Tori worked with us to implement small gradual changes to build a routine for our son and create a great sleep environment. By the time it came for Tori to visit us we were able to transition from rocking/patting/bouncing our son to sleep to a very gentle sleep guidance method. Tori was very supportive of our wishes to slowly make these transitions and made sure we were comfortable and happy every step of the way. Our son, now six months, was self settling to sleep within days and I wholeheartedly believe the small changes Tori helped us introduce gradually were key to our success. The advice and knowledge that Tori has been able to share has been invaluable. She has been a pleasure to work with and I will miss not speaking to her every day!

Update: I recently contacted Tori again after our now 11month old son was again very unsettled overnight and with going to sleep. Tori had wonderful advice to give and was so supportive in my panic of ‘he has forgotten how to sleep’. Within two days of implementing her advice and tweaks to our routine, we had a baby sleeping for longer stretches than previously and so happy again. I honestly can’t recommend or thank Tori enough. As my husband said, “Tori worked her baby magic AGAIN”.

Laura, mum of Brodie – 11 months


"My baby was catnapping, overtired and would only sleep on me".

My experience with All About Sleep was a timely saviour; Tori was able to help me through two sleep stages with my daughter. Firstly, with an extremely overtired, catnapping eight week old and again at four months with a feed to sleep association. My baby would fall asleep feeding and would only sleep on me. Tori was able to reverse my overtired baby, teach her to connect sleep cycles, self-settle and establish a sleep routine. I enjoyed working with Tori; she was knowledgeable, encouraging and genuinely there for me with support. I will never struggle with baby sleep issues again, as I know Tori is only a phone call away.


Heidi, mum of Claudia – 4 months

Baby and child sleep consultant

Toowoomba, Brisbane and online programs

Australia and Worldwide.