Hello! I’m pleased to meet you. My name is Victoria (Tori) Macdonald. I’m an internationally certified baby and child sleep consultant and parent behaviour coach. I have a Masters Degree in Education and thirty five years of experience working with parents and children. In addition to this, I am a certified 123 Magic practitioner, which is a parenting program designed to manage difficult behaviours and a certified Anxiety Coach practitioner, which is a parenting program designed to reduce anxiety and build resilience in children. On a more personal level, I’m a mum of three adult children and a grandmother of one (soon to be two).

When it comes to helping parents and children get the sleep that they need, my personal and professional philosophy can be summed up with these words:

“Sleep is the foundation of health and I believe that all children can sleep well. I also believe that sleep deprivation is not something parents should have to endure as part of their parenting journey. My aim is to help sleep deprived mums and dads teach their kids to sleep through the night and take great naps, so the whole family can enjoy better health, closer relationships and less stress.”

I pride myself on being caring and professional and I’m passionate about what I do. 

Anyone can read a book or follow an online program, but it can be hard for parents to know what might actually work for them and their child. The advice I give parents is evidence based and tailored around each family’s unique circumstances and individual needs. I have three adult children and a granddaughter, so I understand what it’s like to be sleep deprived and struggle with parenting, in general.

As far as sleep training methods go, I don’t advocate one method over another because I know that what might suit one family may not not suit another. I also know first hand that listening to your child cry is the worst thing on earth! If I can help parents teach their children how to sleep well with minimal crying, all the better. That’s why I advocate gentle sleep training methods whenever I think it would work best. I also realise that sometimes a more ‘hands off’ approach might suit a particular family better and I can guide families in what to do with this approach as well. I would never suggest a parent leave their child to cry themselves to sleep on their own.

It’s a privilege for me to work with families and be welcomed into their lives as their guide and support. I believe it’s all about working together towards personal family goals through relationship and trust. Sleep is a biological necessity, not a luxury. That means I have the best job in the world because essentially, I’m helping people survive!

If you are struggling with a lack of sleep due to bedtime battles or disrupted nights, or you simply value sleep but lack the confidence or knowledge on how or where to start working on a solution, you need look no further. I’m confident that I can help you and that you will see improvement in the first few days of working with me. As parents, we all want what’s best for our children, which sometimes means we need to reach out for help from others for guidance and support. My packages are simple. They are designed to give you all the guidance and support you need to start working on a solution right now. Great sleep has a positive knock on effect on all other aspects of life, so what are you waiting for?


Tori's personal philosophy is based on her conviction that all children can sleep well when given the chance. "Sleep deprivation is not something parents should have to endure as part of their parenting journey."



From phone or video consultations, to virtual in-home visits, All About Sleep offers a range of flexible programs tailored to suit your family's individual needs.


Have a question about our services? Read through our comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions or feel free to get in touch using our contact page form.

Baby sleep consultant Toowoomba, Brisbane and surrounds. Virtual programs across Australia and worldwide.



How can you help me?

As a dedicated and passionate sleep consultant, Tori has the knowledge and experience to give you evidence based advice and practical guidance to help you teach your child to sleep better. The advice Tori offers is always personalised and based on your individual parenting style, your child’s unique temperament and your overall situation, so there is never a ‘one size fits all’. Tori appreciates the challenges of being a parent and her goal is to offer support that is based on mutual trust and understanding. Tori’s aim is to help your child achieve better sleep, which you will find has a positive knock on effect in many other aspects of your life. It will literally be ‘life changing’.

What program would suit me?

Tori offers a free, no obligation, twenty-minute phone call to discuss your individual situation. During this call, she will give you her honest advice about what she believes might be the cause of your sleep issue and she will give you basic advice on how you can start to fix the problem immediately. Sometimes, a quick tip may be all you need and you can be on your way to working on your child’s sleep on your own. Alternatively, if you feel you need more support, Tori can direct you to one of her packages that she thinks would best suit you. If the packages listed aren’t the right fit for you, Tori can customise a package to suit your specific needs. If you are feeling a little hesitant to get in touch for any reason, please know that Tori prides herself as being approachable and non judgmental, and she welcomes all queries.

What ages do you work with?

Tori works with children from six months up to five years of age. Tori works with younger children from four weeks of age but on a case by case basis. Tori does not offer formal sleep training for children under four months. For these little ones, the focus is more on developing healthy sleep habits, settling techniques and parent education, to help avoid sleep problems in the future.

What are your qualifications?

Tori trained and was certified as an internationally recognised infant and child Sleep Consultant, with Baby Sleep Consultant Ltd. Tori has a Masters Degree in Education and she studied biology and psychology at university. In addition to thirty five years of experience working with parents and children, Tori’s educational background has given her an in depth knowledge in the area of child development and behaviour. Tori is also a ‘Happiest Baby on The Block’ educator, a program created by Pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp, famous for newborn settling. Tori is a trained ‘123 Magic & Emotion Coaching’ practitioner, a parenting program designed to help parents with their children’s challenging behaviours. She is also a trained ‘Anxiety Coach’ practitioner, a program designed to reduce anxiety and build resilience in children. On a personal level, Tori has raised three children of her own and she is a grandmother of one, which makes her a ‘fully qualified parent’ who has dealt with sleep deprivation first hand, herself.

Will my child cry?

To be honest, yes, there will be some crying, even with the gentlest of sleep training. Your child will protest as he or she gets used to a different way of sleeping. Tori’s aim is always to devise a plan for you that involves the least amount of crying possible. Tori is skilled in a range of sleep training methods across a broad spectrum, from gentle sleep training to more traditional sleep training. The methods Tori suggests for your family would depend on a myriad of factors such as the age of your child, your parenting style and your child’s unique temperament. Tori’s job is to give you suitable options and her professional opinion, on a plan she feels would work for you. Ultimately, you get to decide on what you feel most comfortable with. It is important to remember that you never have to leave your child alone to cry. You can be there with your child if you choose to, giving comfort, love and support, as your child learns to sleep better.

Do you guarantee results?

Although the parents Tori has worked with have only ever been more than happy with her service and very thankful for the improvements in their child’s sleep, unfortunately, Tori can never guarantee results. There can be no guarantees because the biggest indicator of success with sleep training depends on parent driven variables, such as the ability to be consistent with the plan and whether they make the most of their support. These are things which are out of Tori’s control.

Sometimes it might not be the right time for parents to work on sleep. This is why Tori will help you work out if you are ready for change before she works with you. She wants parents to experience success. The majority of parents who seek help with sleep are ready for change and are able to be consistent, with Tori’s close support. This is why we see such life changing transformations in children’s sleep patterns. If you’d like help with sleep but are not sure if the time is right for you, Tori encourages you to get in touch for a no obligation free phone call. How will you know if something will work for you or not, if you don’t make a start in the first place? Sometimes it’s a matter of taking that first step and going from there.

What if I bed-share with my child?

If you are ready to move your child from sleeping with you to their own sleep space, Tori can help you, using a very gentle and supportive method of sleep training. The same goes for weaning off a feed to sleep or hold to sleep association. It is however, beyond her scope of services, if you want help with your child’s sleep but you choose to continue to have your child sleep with you in your bed.

What happens if my child gets sick or we have to travel?

Ideally, you would plan to begin working on your child’s sleep plan after you return from travel, but it is also possible to work on your child’s sleep whilst you are away, it’s just that the process could take longer. If your child gets sick, Tori’s recommendation is always to postpone any sleep training until your child is better and then you can easily pick up where you left off. So if you start the process and your child gets sick, there’s no need for you to worry. You can simply postpone your plan and support until your child is well and you’re ready (within one month from start date of your support).

Do you work with twins and/or different aged siblings simultaneously?

Of course! Twins or multiples will usually receive one sleep plan that covers both/all children for which there is no extra charge. For clients with two children of different ages needing help simultaneously, each child will receive a uniquely devised sleep plan and there will be a discount of 10% for the second child. Previous clients will receive a new individualized plan for their returning child with a 1o% discount.


By completing the intake questionnaire sent to the client by All About Sleep, the client acknowledges and agrees to the following Terms and Conditions:

  1. The client will disclose any medical conditions their child/ren have, diagnosed or undiagnosed, to All About Sleep on the initial intake form.
  2. All About Sleep does not offer any medical advice or treatment to clients.
  3. The client will not share any information they receive from All About Sleep to a third party without permission from All About Sleep.
  4. The client agrees to adhere to safe sleep practices. For more information, go to:
  5. All About Sleep will make recommendations for change. If the client chooses to make changes to their child’s sleeping or eating activities, this is the client’s decision and responsibility. All About Sleep will not be held accountable for what the client does or does not choose to implement.
  6. Full payment is required upfront for all packages  to secure a booking (cost of services excludes GST).
  7. Cancellations made more than forty eight hours prior to the sleep plan being written will receive a full refund. Cancellations made after a sleep plan has been written and sent to the client will not receive a refund. If the client’s child becomes ill, the plan can be put on hold for up to four weeks from the time of booking, and remaining support can be resumed once the child has recovered.
  8. There will be no costs for travel in the Toowoomba area. For travel more than 20km outside Toowoomba CBD, the charge will be 70c/km. For any travel required further than 60 km from Toowoomba CBD or interstate, there may be an extra charge for travel and time, at the discretion of All About Sleep. This will be negotiated with the client prior to services being paid for.

"Our baby girl was waking frequently at night and having short naps"


Our baby girl started to wake up 3+ times at night. When I contacted Tori I was texting her and crying as well. I was exhausted and needed help. On our first day of training, our little one already improved her lunch nap from twenty minutes to one hour. The first week she dropped the feeds to only two, second week to only one and on our last day working together, she dropped the last feed on her own. Our baby girl responded to all the changes that Tori told me to do, so well, and she is now sleeping twelve hours straight! Tori helped me to teach my baby to connect her sleep cycles and now her naps are amazing and night-time sleep is a dream come true. Besides all of that, Tori is so sweet and was always there to answer my questions. My husband and I are beyond happy with how quickly Tori could help our little girl. We will treasure you forever, Tori. Thank you!

Ludmylla, mum of Elena - 6 months

“I was exhausted, feeding often and co sleeping, just to survive”


I highly recommend Tori to anyone wanting to improve their baby’s sleep and their overall quality of life. My nine month old duaghter was waking around six times a night, co-sleeping with me, not eating much and winging a lot. I stuck to Tori’s recommendations about sleep and food and now she’s eating well, sleeping well and we are all a lot happier. Tori is very friendly, quick to respond and has a very good knowledge of food and sleep. She genuinely cares. Thank you for our new life Tori!


Holly, mum of Coco - 9 months

“My daughter was sleeping in my bed and feeding constantly”

I can’t thank Tori enough; my daughter was feeding frequently overnight and sleeping in my bed. I found Tori and my golly she saved my life! After only a month, my little girl now sleeps in her own bed and sleeps though the night. I have so much more time to get things done around the house, I’m getting better sleep myself and I actually feel more human. Tori was a great help as she was by my side every step of the way, guiding me and making sure I was ok. There were a few times I wanted to give up but she was always there to support me, and now a month later I still hear from her asking how everything is going.

I highly recommend her.

Melissa, mum of Saskia - 17 Months

"My marriage was suffering from lack of sleep"

I was losing my mind but Tori saved my life! When you have a baby that just won’t sleep, it’s naive to think it’s just your lack of sleep that becomes an issue. A non sleeping baby, and therefore a non sleeping parent, can negatively impact EVERY area of your life. So when I say Tori saved my life, her advice and instruction had way more far reaching consequences greater than just a sleeping baby. Elijah was a 'dummy sucker' and would only fall asleep to a rocking motion, which meant at 4 months he was waking every 45 minutes to an hour crying for his dummy and to be rocked to sleep. The constant waking up took a huge toll on my mental health and marriage and something had to give. Tori taught us how to comfortably remove the reliance on the dummy, and how to teach Elijah to self soothe and put himself back to sleep through the night. The rocking eventually became gentle pats, which now if he is unsettled, he only needs a brief touch to resettle. There is no more up and down throughout the night. Instead, our little boy sleeps right through and naps confidently throughout the day. Life is good, my mind is clear and my marriage is happy. Tori is dedicated, gracious, informative and sheb knows how to work on sleep training within the comfort level of the parents. Tori thinks through the needs of the child, the dependencies of the parents and the desired goal in mind for everyone and then coaches openly. I would recommend Tori to anyone struggling with the sleep challenges that come with having a little baby.


Tia, mum of Elijah - 4 Months

“ My little boy was grumpy and unsettled”

Tori’s program has made the world of difference to my little boy. Matthew was very unsettled and was only sleeping for short stretches at a time and I was exhausted. He is now getting a sleep every two hours throughout the day and he sometimes even sleeps for ninety minutes for naps. At night he is going down around 6:30pm and is only waking up once for a feed at 1am. Most of the time Matthew wakes up in the morning happy and talking and when I walk in to get him he just smiles at me. It’s great to see such a positive change to his attitude. I cannot thank Tori enough!

Emma, mum of Matthew - 3.5 Months

Baby sleep consultant Toowoomba, Brisbane and online programs Australia-wide.


Newborn settling
Safe sleep
Nursery set-up
Age appropriate routines

Sleep associations
Nutrition and sleep
Sleeping through the night
Bedtime battles
Transition from bed sharing to own sleep space

Self settling
Early morning wakeups
Transition from cot to big bed
Toddler sleep
Night feeding and weaning