The Secret to Self-Settling

The Secret to Self-Settling

Has anyone ever told you that your baby is incapable of self-settling or self-soothing? This simply isn’t true. First of all, self-settling and self-soothing often get confused as one and the same but they are slightly different things. Having said that, they are...

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Sleep Association Audit

Sleep Association Audit

You might be familiar with the term 'sleep associations' but did you know that a child's sleep associations can determine whether or not they will sleep through the night? There are many factors that come in to play when it comes to a child being able to sleep through...

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Nutrition for Toddlers

Nutrition for Toddlers

Nutrition for Toddlers A healthy diet is essential for your child’s mental and physical development and can have positive effects on your child’s sleep. Breast milk or formula has all the nutrients that babies need up until they are around six months old. At six...

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Six month old, waking frequently at night

Six month old, waking frequently at night

CASE STUDY Meet Bec and baby Grayson. Bec reached out to me for help with her six-month-old little boy, Grayson. Grayson was a very active and busy little boy who had recently started crawling and even pulling himself up in his cot. Bec also had two older boys to look...

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The Power of Books and the Bedtime Routine

The Power of Books and the Bedtime Routine

WE LOVE BOOKS   Especially books that help children with sleep   As a teacher, I'm slightly biased when I say that books are powerful learning tools for all children, no matter how old the child is. Sure, your baby may not understand all the words you are...

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Day-care and Sleep

Day-care and Sleep

Six Tips for Daycare Sleep   Parents decide to send their child to day for many reasons, whether it’s because they are returning to work, they need ‘kid free’ time at home or perhaps they want their child to experience the social interaction of other adults or...

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When to Teach Self-Settling

When to Teach Self-Settling

What is self-settling? Let’s start with what it actually means to self-settle. If your child can self-settle, it means they can go through the process of being awake to fast asleep on their own with no assistance from you. Resettling means that when a child wakes...

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Weaning Night Feeds

Weaning Night Feeds

Night Weaning   From around six months of age, if your baby is developing well, you might decide to reduce feeds at night or night wean altogether. At this age, most babies should be getting enough food during the day for healthy growth and development. On the...

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The Truth about Sleep Training

The Truth about Sleep Training

Michelle's story: Michelle believed her situation was hopeless. Her five month old breast fed son Toby was waking every two hours over night and he would only go to sleep when feeding and only 'on her'. He would cry and wake up when she tried to lower him into his...

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Daylight Savings

Daylight Savings

Adjusting the Body Clock Daylight savings time always seems to come upon us so quickly! Your child might be on a predictable schedule with naps and bedtime and all of a sudden you are left wondering what to do, if anything, to prepare for the change. There’s no doubt...

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Consistency really is the key

Consistency really is the key

When it comes to learning how to sleep independently, many children need help. Of course, sleep is a biological function and everyone will sleep at some stage, but actually learning how to go from being awake and back to sleep without assistance is a learned skill....

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Shush-Pat Method

Shush-Pat Method

When and why would I use this method?   You want to calm your baby and help get baby ready for sleep. To help your baby fall back to sleep when baby wakes but should still be sleeping, such as after early morning wakings, habitual wakings or when naps need to be...

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Tori is an internationally recognised and certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant based in Toowoomba, QLD. She is also a registered teacher with a Masters degree in Education, a Happiest Baby on The Block Educator and a mother of three.