Signs your baby might be too cold at night …

(and how to set up a cosy and safe sleep environment).


As a parent, ensuring your baby is comfortable and safe while they sleep is a top priority.

One common concern for parents is whether their baby might be too cold at night because ‘chilly’ babies don’t sleep well. Babies can’t communicate their discomfort like children or adults can, so it’s important to recognise the signs that your baby might be too cold. It’s also important to understand how to create the perfect sleep environment in order to keep baby warm and cosy throughout the night. Safe, warm and cosy (and well fed) are the perfect ingredients to a great night’s sleep.


7 Signs your baby might be a tad too cold overnight


➡️  Sleeping on tummy with legs and arms tucked tightly under the body.

➡️  Fully wetting through the nappy when baby doesn’t usually do this.

➡️  Chest or neck feel cold to the touch.

➡️  Struggling to settle after a night feed.

➡️  Restless and moving around the cot more than usual.

➡️  Unsettled and waking more than usual, especially from 3am onwards.

➡️  Waking early and not going back to sleep.


7 Top Tips to Set up the Perfect Sleep Environment for Baby


To prevent your baby from getting too cold, creating an optimal sleep environment is essential. Here are some tips to ensure your baby stays warm and comfortable throughout the night:

1. Maintain a Comfortable Room Temperature.

The ideal room temperature for sleep is between 18°C to 22°C (65 °F and 72°F). Use a room thermometer to monitor the temperature of your baby’s room and adjust your heating or cooling system accordingly. One option for an effective heater is to use an electric column heater, as these don’t dry out the air as much as some other heaters. Most have a thermostat that helps regulate the room temperature so that it doesn’t fluctuate.

2. Dress Your Baby Appropriately.

Dress your baby in one more layer than you yourself would wear to bed. Choose a breathable fabric such as cotton. A snug-fitting sleep sack or sleep suit with legs, for older children, can provide additional warmth without the risk of loose blankets which can pose a suffocation hazard. Most sleeping bags have a TOG rating. TOG stands for Thermal Overall Grade and is an industry-recognised measurement for the warmth of garments and bedding. The lower the TOG rating, the lighter the fabric. The higher the TOG rating, the warmer the fabric.

3. Swaddle.

For younger babies who are not yet rolling over, swaddling can help keep them warm and provide a sense of security. A flat swaddle can work with very new babies. After the first couple of weeks, a more ‘tailored’ swaddle can work best, as baby becomes more active. Ensure the swaddle is snug but not too tight and always place your baby on their back to sleep.

4. Use a Firm Mattress.

A firm mattress with a fitted sheet is safest for your baby. Avoid soft bedding, pillows and stuffed toys which can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

5. Check for Drafts.

Check your baby’s sleeping area for drafts from windows, doors or vents. Use draft stoppers or adjust the placement of your baby’s cot to avoid direct drafts.

6. Consider using a Humidifier.

If your home is very dry, a humidifier can help maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the room. This can especially help if you are using ducted heating, which tends to dry out the air. A humidifier can prevent your baby’s skin from getting dry and it can help them to stay warm.

7. Monitor Your Baby.

Check on your baby on occasion but don’t go ‘crazy’ with your checks. Touch your baby’s chest or back to check they are warm but not overheated. If you find the room temperature fluctuates, layering can be a good strategy. Adjust layers as needed. Use lightweight layers that can be added or removed easily to adapt to changing temperatures.


Keeping your baby warm and comfortable at night is important for their comfort and well-being. By recognising the signs that your baby might be too cold at night and by setting up an optimal sleep environment, you can ensure they get the restful and safe sleep that they need. Always trust your instincts and remember that every baby is different. With a little attention and care, you can create a cosy haven, where your baby can sleep soundly all through the night.


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